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Monday, July 16, 2012

More Skeletons Coming Out!

Evidently, the cronies from 65 and now 16, think I am either bluffing about what I know, and/or cowering in fear over their latest "threats". They also think I am going to fall for their statement of going to/have gone to Jerri and Carmichael, when I know for a fact this isn't true.
You see, when I learned of all of this in 2011, I spoke not just to the president of 37, but also its chief (at that time), and they informed me that they obtained their funding for the boat and their operations, from sources OTHER THAN TAX DOLLARS. Now that this act of slander has permeated the fire house they now have to rely on tax dollars, because most of their sponsors have been intimidated into not funding Union Fire Co. As of this point, the fuel and maintenance for the boat are NOW being taken care of with tax dollars, however, the price they are paying for this, is much more reasonable that what the township has paid for their toys, in particular the QRS 222, and the "Crime Vehicle" which was used at the recent stand off.

Another interesting thing I recently learned, is that both 65 and 16 have a great deal of explaining to do, when it comes to how they maintain and handle their engines. You see, I learned that 16 took their engine to a kids party in Philly, and while down there, damaged something (possibly the ladder) on the engine!
I also learned that 65 took their engine to a fire call in Penndel, (YES! Outside of Bensalem!), and while on this fire call damaged the ladder on their truck!! Both companies went around to fire calls here in this area, with this damage to their trucks, which could have endangered lots of lives!! I have also learned that 222, has been no angel in this either. Ever since they formed, they have been doing LOTS of naughty things. Things that Haman himself would go after another fire company for, for "violating township policies". You know, things like parking for hours on end, at another fire house, when they should be doing their job of inspecting local businesses, not using a ladder to help another fire company in a roof fire at PARX, and even more serious, answering fire calls with ONLY TWO people in the vehicle, instead of FOUR. This is the very thing Haman accuse d37 of doing, and when this was brought to his attention, he falsely accused Union's chief of "making it personal". Get a clue, Haman!! This has been personal even since the FEMA/Homeland Security Agent(Null) told your boy Nabal to back off Union's properly obtained boat grant!! You claim that this boat isn't needed, that the Coast guard patrols the area they cover, when you know according to the Maritime Act of 1974, this is NOT the case.

So, Now Who is Wrong???

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