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Monday, May 2, 2016


 I find it truly amazing that when someone is called out on the false accusations they make about me, how quickly they ‘fold’, when this is done. It’s very clear that ‘InformedCitizen97’ is no exception to this, as when not only confronted on their accusation that I am an internet bully, who ‘likes to pick at anyone who doesn't walk your way’, goes into silence, when invited to meet with me in person and show me their ‘facts’. Guess we know who the real ‘internet tough guy’ is, don’t we ‘Informed’? While I more than likely have you attention, answer me these simple questions:
You complain about Chief Hoopes making ‘too much’ money as a police chief, but why is it that Hoopes isn't allowed to drive a township vehicle after drinking, but Lobo is?
Why is Topley still with the EMS Service, despite his ‘bookkeeping problem’?
Why hasn’t Aninsman been arrested for the obstruction of justice he committed?
Last, but certainly not least, Can you explain why they’re not trying to find any more possible victims of the former Eddington Fire Chief?


  1. Sorry. Some of us work for a living instead of glued to a keyboard. The last thing I want to do is sit with a delusional know it all. You have your "views" and so do I. Way to set women back 30yrs with your mindless rants. You give the rest of us a bad name. Good luck with your crusade!

  2. I'm not the one setting women back anywhere, but people like His Majesty, Lobo, and others of his ilk are. I'm here to speak the truth
