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Tuesday, May 24, 2016


As usual the troll that calls herself 'Melinda', has nothing but juvenile, immature remarks, with absolutely
NO facts to back up her statements. Don't believe me??Check out the rantings below and see for yourself. 

the fact that I even mentioned you & FF Weaver in the same comment , makes me want to spit . He is so much more a decent human being than you will ever be .
With that said ,Lol you calling me a troll is calling the kettle black . You sit on your fat backside all day at a computer hoping that somebody will notice you . & thinks that everybody who doesn't agree with you is a troll sent by those you despise . Hate to tell ya but I'm nobody's minion. FACT !
While your at it , Can you please tell me which Christian virtue name calling is since you always calling people names yet constantly define yourself as a Christian ? Or is that part of your delusional makeup ?
Most in this township have not a clue about you , praise the Lord , & those that do find you a bit entertaining at times but mostly think of you as a delusional unstable wacko who must have a lot of deep rooted childhood issues .

If you think your anything more than that ,HERE'S YOUR SIGN ... Your NADA !!!

Thanks so much for showing your true colors 'Melinda'. You are a coward who buys into the LIES that His Majesty and Lobo disho ite, because they can't handle the truth being revealed about them, so they send people like, to intimidate me, and 'set me straight'. Let me make something VERY clear Melinda.  First I said NOTHING negative about Nick, but I have CONSTANTLY stated that I pray for his recovery. My issue is NOT with Nick, but with the Township, however you've swallowed so much of his majesty and Sherriff Lobo's kool-aid, you can't see or think straight for yourself. BTW.. how about my offer? You know. The one in which we get together some time,and you show me your 'proof' and I'll show you my FACTS. I noticed that you didn't deny them,so what's up??
Just so you know, I have a life, but I REFUSE to broadcast it for all to see and hear, because unlike others who do so, I'm NOT out for attention and notoriety. As for the so called name calling, referring to you as a troll, is called telling the truth. Pity you don't see that.
 You have not only no idea of who I am, but you also have NO IDEA of what it truly means to be a Christian. I do however want you to know Christ, and would like to invite you to come to my church sometime. How about this Sunday??
You call me all the names and falsehoods you want, but just know that it won't work! Until then, I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU TO...

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