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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


OK, now let's get to brass tax, here. After all the BASELESS, USELESS, and FALSE PERSONAL attacks you all made towards me, where are all of you now that it's been proven I was right all along?? For over a year, I stated that there WAS a budget deficit, and that this year's was going to be a real whopper. Well, here it is, and it's even more severe than I thought. Last night, Joey d and council tried to soft sell a budget deficit, that to this point, still REFUSE to tell how much it is. They also did not properly advertise (At least not to me.) this council meeting, because they had hardly anyone there, and what little was there would say anything. Why, you ask??? Because they're hiding the following:
1. The exact amount of this year's budget deficit. Last year they announced it was $6.5 million (at least), but now they won't say how much it is. That says that they're hiding something from us, and that is the fact that the budget deficit is over $11 million!!!
2. Joey D and crew claim that they "eliminated" 15 full time and 10 seasonal positions within the township. We have confirmed that none of the 15 full time and 10 seasonal employees positions have resulted in a reduction of the township workforce. These were position on paper only and were not held by anyone!. No real cost real solution to the continuing township budget deficit! We have been told to take "a very good look" at the 2012 budget to see the truth. It is far worse than anyone knows. Gee, isn't that interesting? According to what came out last night, revenue has been down $3 million since 2007, and that is a serious matter considering this is the first that has been told! It is also obvious that the Bensalem Country Club is going downhill, and FAST!! Apparently, they still don't know who the owner is!!
3. Harran also states that of the 103 police officers, and 175 civilian employees within the department, 3 officers, and 5 civilian employees were "let go". We learned that the 3 police officers were NEVER hired to begin with, and of the 5 civilian, one of those was from last year, and I have it on very good authority, that when Rosalie Flemke was "let go" she was replaced with two inexperienced, young women to handle what Ms. Flemke was doing! He stated that he has not filled any of those positions, but he isn't telling the truth. He also claims that crime has gone down, but the study he came out with not too long ago, says otherwise. It also came out, that the grant he was going for to obtain a new engine fell through, so they have to settle for repairing the old one. How about taking care of what you have?? I also noticed that you didn't get the big $1 million grant for the new police radios. What line item is King Henry VIII going to draw from for this??
4. Lastly, Joey D announced, that the homeowners rebates were being reduced to a mere $100 per household, bringing this to $1.5 million, so $3 million is left over. In addition, he announced taking out $5.3 million from the trust fund, which results in over $8 million being the deficit. He also says that he is going to procure grants to the tune of over $8 million dollars. That's what he says! In reality, after going over the budget, it's really over $11 million, and what if the grants don't come through??
5. Joey D and company STILL have not been able to explain why it was sooo necessary to have their very own fire training center, which does NOT meet ANY of the firefighters needs, as well as a paid fire department founded with a fraudulently filled out grant.
6. Shouldn't the people of Bensalem be concerned that the sale fund started with $72,000,000.00 and over the years gained funds through interest is down to $54,000,000.00? The 2012 budget states that they expect it to be below $51,000,000.00 by the end of 2012. Not only that, but look at how people's water and sewage have gone up, as a result of AQUA PA now running things.

We have been told to take "a very good look" at the 2012 budget to see the truth. It is far worse than anyone knows. Our source would not provide any further information out of fear for their job.

It's time to come out of hiding, and start speaking out!! Its time to hold these people accountable for their lies and their abuse of their positions. Positions they were given by God, and that God can easily take away.

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