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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I just got this from my "Unknown Source" today. Apparently, there are some more firefighters who have had it with Fred Harran's deception, and are calling him on the carpet for it.

We as members of the Bensalem Township fire service attended the Bucks County Firemen's and Fire Chief's Association meeting at the Trevose Fire Company main station last evening. We learned some very interesting things at the meeting.

The concerns that were raised regarding the location, capabilities and construction of the Bensalem Township training center are ALL coming true. Our training center is between three major roadways and within the 600 yard minimum distance requirement from a roadway. This means we cannot retrofit the building to allow live fire training programs. We further learned that the type of block used to construct the facility does not permit the use of propane generated live fire in the facility. In other words, the facility is a $5,000,000.00 ladder and hose stretching building. All of these we have done in the past in our local districts.

The new Lower Bucks County Training Center has the capabilities of class A live fire (the fire we most often face in structure fires), class B fires and has the capabilities for sprinkler system training. ALL at no cost to the township! Yet, the Chief of the Nottingham Fire Company and the Director of Public Safety HAD TO HAVE our own. Initially, our facility was for the township fire companies only. This brainstorm idea came for the Director of Public Safety and the Nottingham Chief. Then they found out that training evolutions at our training center require certified fire service instructors. The County would not provide instructors or the insurance to cover the instructors unless other emergency service organizations located outside of Bensalem could use the facility. Of course, the permission for outside fire companies to use the training center only came about after we learned that the Nottingham Fire Company was bringing outside fire companies into the facility without the knowledge of the township.

We also learned that Bristol Township reviewed the Garcia Act and confirmed that Bristol Township firefighters CANNOT be paid firefighters in Bristol Township. Since that confirmation one of their paid employees was told that they either had to quit active firefighting with the volunteer fire company or give up their paid position. When our township first began the hiring procedures for our SAFER firefighters we told the Chief's and the Director of Public Safety this very fact. We referred them to the Garcia Act. They ignored us and told us it did not apply to us.

Oh…our treasurers and presidents confirmed that the Township is taking MORE money from us this year then they stated. I guess they are unable to keep their word again. And they want us to trust them without them giving us any information!

We still don't know where the money came from to purchase SS-222. They bought that instead of addressing the growing problems with E-222.

A lack of information, lack of leadership and a continued shifting of their irresponsible handling of township finances to the volunteer fire service. That seems fair.
Not sure if anyone else sees this, but it looks like Haman's World is Crumbling in Around him!! I am going to repeat this like a broken record......

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