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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Morning Haman!!

you know, I have been told by a great many residents, and have spotted it myself, that some of your officers, are seen in parking lots of various places, SLEEPING!! I have also seen, and others have also seen, police cars at questionable places (Hooters, and Scruples at the Oakford Inn), and places where there is food, instead of DOING THEIR JOBS AND PATROLLING THE TOWN!!
I just received some very interesting information from a VERY concerned resident, and it looks like your officers are more interested in acting like gossiping hens at WAWA, than in preventing a rape from occurring!!! Yes a Rape!! I learned that there was an attempted rap that occurred this past week at an apartment complex, and NONE of your officers showed when called!! Think I am making this up??? I HAVE PICTURES!!!

Why is it your boys can't seem to do their jobs properly??

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