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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Can't Stop the Truth!!

I just love how the naysayers continue to make fools of themselves, especially when I have legitimate documentation and evidence to back up everything I say. Its especially evident with this latest fiasco with the BTPD squad car that became a metal bonfire. In particular, I have two news articles, plus a reporter for this online newspaper confirming EVERYTHING I said about the car that caught fire, my questions are legitimate, and based of FACTS, so what specifically am I "wrong" about?? As usual you can't answer them, because you know they're the truth. You see, that is your problem. When the truth is staring you in the face, you refuse to admit it, and take it a step further with a "Wendy your the best. You can't get anything right". You individuals are too much of a coward to reveal yourself and debate me honorably, so why bother "debating you" at any upcoming council meeting, especially when I know you're the one that won't show, or the township officials will conveniently cancel it? You have yet to Refute These Facts:
1. Paid fire department...continues to be over budget.
2. Paid fire department...paid firefighter attacks volunteer firefighter, township covers up the incident
3. Paid fire department...more accidents in the last two years then the rest of the fire companies combined
4. Paid fire department is still in violation of township ordinance
5. Director of Public Safety continues to refuse to explain the false and inaccurate information contained in the Townships SAFER grant application
6. Director of Public Safety never interviewed the victim of the sexual harassment by one of the paid firefighters
7. The township training center continues to crumble with no plan in place to address these issues
8. The township is heading for its third straight year of deficit spending.
Get a Clue and Some Actual Courage!! I don't care if you believe me or not, but I KNOW I am telling the truth, so all I am going to say, is...............
Deal With It!!

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