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Monday, June 11, 2012

Remember This??

Hello, Scooby Gang!! You are not going to believe this one. After the week I have had, this voice mail from Haman really made my day, and got on my nerves!!!  What I listed below will better explain:
"Not too long ago, I requested through Right to Know, information about the township's precious paid fire department. In particular, I wanted to know what each person's qualifications were to be a firefighter/inspector, and to name each one per person. I also wanted to know what EACH PERSON received, as far as education to attain their position, what testing/certification they received, and whether or not they successfully passed their schooling courses to obtain their positions. What I got, was without a doubt, the most blatant example of stonewalling, and refusal to give any type of honest answer."
Well, I got a voice message from Haman, claiming that he does not understand what I am requesting, so I will clarify it for him. I firmly believe that when I pay $7.25 for information, I want it to be the ACTUAL INFORMATION I REQUESTED!! I specifically asked to see proof of EACH individual's qualifications (If they have any) for the position of fighter/inspector. I want to know if each person received ANY training/schooling for the position they are in, IF they actually took the tests necessary for the job, and PASSED them! In short, I want to know that the individuals you hired to protect me, are ACTUALLY QUALIFIED to do their jobs, and I want PROOF!!! Is that too hard to understand?? Good Grief!!
This is why I ask the questions I ask, because like anyone else, I expect HONEST answers!!! Of course, Haman thinks he's Eric Holder, that he is above the law and doesn't have to answer anyone for what he's done. Apparently, you think women are "beneath you", as well as minorities, so when they ask you embarrassing, or pointed questions, you either ignore them, or act rude to them, telling that you don't have to answer to them, because they're mere women, Well, I have news for you.....


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