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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Closer to Re-Opening??

Try Closer to being shut down........ Permanently!! Who are you trying to fool, Haman?? Everyone knows that you plan on shutting down not only Union, but Trevose (Like Southampton is going to allow it.), Eddington, and Cornwells!! Yes, he will be after you guys too!! So all of you wise a**** from Cornwells, better be prepared for Harran to turn on you too.
I have stated the the REAL reason for this, and many of you have mocked me. However there are just as many, if not more, who have been brave enough to share the truth with me, and for that I applaud you. All I am going tot say, is that when "Heinrich Himmler" Harran comes after you...............
Don't Say I Didn't Warn You!!


  1. So what you're saying in your warped way is that Fred intends to close all fire departments? Wendy, PLEASE go see a psychiatrist. They have medication that will help you and there is NO shame in it.

  2. So what you're saying Walt, is that you've swallowed so much of the Joey D punch, and inhaled so much of the "Little Dictator" fumes, that all you can respond with is mindless, IMMATURE Junior High School comments?? How about responding with some ACTUAL FACTS, instead of immature junior high comments. Try going to all those precious people you claim have always answered your questions, and ask them the following:
    1. An updated (to the month) copy of the township's budget for this year, insisting on a COMPLETE accounting for where EVERY penny is going and what it is used for.
    2. To see, and have a copy of the following:
    A. The SAFER Grant
    B. The Township's Emergency Management Plan
    C. The "18 Safety Issues" Harran Issued Against Union Last Year, with PROOF of each Accusation
    D. A Copy of EACH Fire House's, (Including the Paid Fire Department), Average response time, and the Number of Scratches They Have Had in the Last 6 Months.
    3. While You're at it, talk with some of the members of Eddington Fire department, and see whether or not Harran has them in his sights. I did!
