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Monday, August 13, 2012

NO Answers Fitzi

About two weeks ago, I was “privileged” to be a part of one of Mike Fitzpatrick’s many “Telephone Town Hall Meetings”. I had prepared to ask him some rather pointed questions. What a “shock” to find that they cut off the session after about an hour, but I was offered a chance to leave a voice message to give him my question. Well, I not only did this, but actually dared the congressman to respond, giving my phone#, because I felt he never would. Imagine my surprise, when the next day my phone rang, and the person on the other end, was Congressman Fitzpatrick!
He let me share how I have been unemployed and SEARCHING for a job for nearly 3 years, and let me ask my question. I told him that during the time I have been in Bensalem, there have been no businesses that offer REAL jobs within this town, and asked what he was doing about this. All that I have encountered here, are retail, supermarket, and fast food jobs, that pay barely above minimum wage, and provide the most abuse to their employees. Now before the naysayers start responding, I couldn’t take these jobs, even if I wanted to, because I have degenerative disc disease, which leaves me disabled. I have seen good businesses leave this town, because it’s too expensive for them to be here, (Gee, I wonder why?), and the only “substantial” job within this town is PARX Casino, which I would not take. You see, I am a Born Again Christian, and strongly believe gambling to be wrong, so I refuse to contribute to another’s addiction, so therefore I will not accept a job there, nor will I go in one.
He responded with what I consider to be nothing but doublespeak, especially saying something to the effect of how he deals with things primarily on a federal level, and ended the call. As far as I’m concerned, this man has not conducted a REAL face to face town hall meeting, failed to answer my question, which was further evidence of what a disappointment he has been in congress. He is not only NOT getting my vote, but I am recommending that others NOT vote for this man as well. After all, if he only deals with things on a federal level, how is he going to effectively serve us?? 

P.S. If  there is ANYONE out there who is willing to offer me a real job, contact me at


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